mean sounds's profile

xlvi. ProCo Rat clone, aka Madbean Slow Loris

This is a modified clone of the classic ProCo Rat. This was built on a PCB by Madbean, which incorporates a few mods to the original 3 knob circuit. The extra knob is a "sweep" knob, which determines the width of frequencies being taken out by the "cut" knob. The switch selects between the stock 1N914 clipping diodes and a pair of LEDs for some real tonal variation. I used a 3 position switch in this case where the middle position eliminates the diodes entirely, giving a louder, smoother signal almost like a boost.

Summer 2014
The "Slow Loris" is a great Rat project from Madbean Pedals.
What big eyes you have!
xlvi. ProCo Rat clone, aka Madbean Slow Loris

xlvi. ProCo Rat clone, aka Madbean Slow Loris

A slight tweak on a venerable classic; the Proco Rat.
